Tuesday, October 29, 2019

External and Internal Environmental Analysis Assignment

External and Internal Environmental Analysis - Assignment Example Davivienda which is renowned Colombian Bank and the bank is part of Bolivar Corporate Group, was established as mortgage and savings Corporation in the year 1972. In the next 30 years, the Columbian bank had diversified its business credit card portfolio and retail banking services (Davivienda, 2010). In 2002, the bank has established partnership with IFC in order to form Titularizadora de Colombia which is a securitization arm of the bank. In the last 10 years, Davivienda acquired financial institutions like Bansuperior, Confinanciera and Bancafà © along with its subsidiaries in order to become third largest financial institution in Columbia. At present, Davivienda has more than 21.5% market share in the credit cards portfolio (Davivienda, 2010) Davivienda has tried to implement technology up gradation such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) etc in order to speed up the process flow. However, still the bank lags behind global financial giants in order to ensure security of customer accounts. However, as the domestic savings in the country has decreased after economic recession hence demand for credit card has decreased slightly in Columbia in recent years. Colombian banking industry has been dominated by four major players Bogotà ¡, Davivienda, Bbva and Bancolombia and these four players contribute more than 50% of the financial sector of the country. However, Davivienda has reached third position in terms of credit balances while the bank is ranked as no. 1 in the field of agricultural banking. System side is showing overall picture of the banking industry in Colombia while the left hand side is depicting the business portfolio of Davivienda. According to the comparison, Davivienda focuses more on consumer loans in comparison to competitors and that is the reason why Davivienda is ranked second in terms of consumer loan segment in the country. Till

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Phases of Child Development

Phases of Child Development Joanne Boyden Children are individual and unique; however most will follow a similar pattern of development with some variation in reaching of milestones. Child development can be divided into five different, but very much interlinking areas. Physical development looks at how children develop physically. This can be split into fine motor skills such as drawing, writing, gross motor skills such as kicking a ball and locomotive skills i.e. walking, running. Between the ages of 0-3 years is a period of rapid physical development. Newborns are governed by reflexes until by the age of three, children are moving, crawling walking and have the fine motor skill to manipulate toys and feed themselves. Between the ages 3-7 years movements are more coordinated, confidence is growing and fine motor skills are more refined e.g. cutting, writing, drawing. Gross motor skills such as running, kicking a ball are more confidently achieved. Between the ages of 7-12 years children often take part in hobbies and interests and this enhances their skills e.g. dance. Fine motor skills are controlled for drawing, playing instruments and sewing. These are influenced by environment and opportunity. Girls at this age can start to show signs of puber ty and therefore care should be shown for example when getting change for PE. 12-16 years is a time when children are growing in both height and strength. Cognitive development looks as how a child develops intellectually, it covers the basic principles of how children think and learn. This is dependent upon the experiences and opportunities that the child is given from an early age. Between the ages 0-3 children look at the world around them enjoy repetitive activities with the prediction of outcome. Children start from the beginnings of object manipulation to imaginative play and jigsaw completion. 3-7 years children are becoming more skilled at number and writing and learn how to read. 7-11 years children start to develop their own ideas and show preference. They enjoy simple puzzles and problem solving. 12-16 years children have very specific ideas and preference. They need support to feel good about themselves and that they belong. Communication Development focuses on the way children communicate and covers things such as speech, non verbal communications, reading, and writing. Early experience is vital to the development of communication. Between the ages 0-3 years stimulation is of great importance. Children go from crying to communicate to smiles, babbling and towards the end of 2/3 using words and simple sentences. 3-7 years children ask lots of questions and can talk about past and futures tense with more confidence. By about the age of five communication becomes key to friendship development and children enjoy telling jokes. 7-12 years children are fluent speakers and can think about and discuss ideas in more abstract ways. Social and emotional development looks at how children develop relationships both with others and themselves. Children need confidence to become independent of adults. Between 0-3 years children form very strong attachments to their primary carer. 3-7 years children play together but need strong guidance and boundaries. 7—12 years is often thought of as ‘the calm before the storm’ and children tend to be quite settled and have strong groups of friends. 12-16 years is an age where confidence and esteem is most fragile. Children bodies are changing and peer pressure is paramount. Children need to be supported and guided in a loving and sensitive way. Good positive role models are key at this age when peer pressure is at its highest. Moral Development encompasses the decisions made by children and is linked to social and emotional development. The environment a child is in strongly effects how they develop socially and morally. Between the ages of two and three children begin to understand the word No and need constant support to guide them in the right direction. 3-5 years children can follow simple rules and need good consistent boundaries to follow. Praise and reinforcement of behaviour is key. Between 5-7 years children enjoy games with rules. For example a child may start to enjoy football as they can follow rules and kick the ball showing the link between physical and moral development as well and having the social skills to communicate. 7-9 years children enjoy being given some responsibility. At school this may take the form for example of paint monitor. By the ages of 9-11 children begin to become a lot more aware of the feelings of others around them until their teens when children should have a very go od understanding of what is right and wrong and also how their behaviours and actions affect other people. Many theorists have attempted to explain how children develop in particular how they develop cognitively. One of the most influential is that of Albert Bandura and the Social Learning theory. His theory is based upon the assumption that children learn through modelling the behaviour of others. This covers both positive and negative behaviour. For example if a child sees their parents fighting they will take on this aggressive behaviour thus impacting on their social and emotional development. Jean Piaget suggested that children develop cognitively by going through a series of set stages. This implies that all children go through the same processes at the same age and develop at the same rate. Piaget states that learning is based upon experience. Len Vygotsky extended this to state that adults must support and scaffold a child’s learning experience and devised the theory of Zone of proximal development. A child who is not provided with this scaffold and support will not reach their full potential developmentally. Another very influential theory is that of BF Skinner and Positive reinforcment. This theory states that children will repeat behaviour that is rewarded and cease behaviour that is ignored. This can be seen in schools with the likes of sticker rewards. Many factors both personal and external can influence a child development. Personal factors are those which occur through nature or a person’s genetics and include pregnancy and birth problems, health issues and disabilities. For example a child may be born with a specific genetic disability such as Down’s syndrome. â€Å"Downs syndrome is a genetic condition caused by the presence of an extra chromosome 21 in the body’s cells† Around one in every 1000 babies born in the UK will have Down’s syndrome. www.downs-syndrome.org.uk . Down’s syndrome affects all areas of development including physical, social and cognitive. Children’s development can be effected during their time in the womb, for example if the mother smokes or drinks. One of the big problems is that of Foetal Alcohol syndrome (FAS) â€Å"foetal Alcohol syndrome is the leading known cause of intellectual disability† www.drinkaware.co.uk Children with FAS are born with many distinctive features for example small and narrow eyes a smooth area between the nose and the lips as well as hearing and ear problems, weakened immune system and a variety of other issues. Thus a child with FAS may suffer both physically and cognitively. â€Å"The WHO quotes a 2005 US study which estimates that one in every 1000 children are born with FAS† www.drinkaware.co.uk. Similar to FAS is Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder which is thought to affect one in every 100 babies. Rather like autistic spectrum this is an umbrella term to cover babies who are born with some of the symptoms of FAS and symptoms vary from child to child. Another condition that effects a Childs development is Coeliac Disease. â€Å"Coleiac Disease is a lifelong autoimmune disease caused by intolerance to gluten†. www.coeliac.org.uk Symptoms include failure to thrive, diarrhoea muscle wasting, mood and emotional distress. A child suffering from Colieac Disease may need time off school and may have to miss out on a variety of school experiences such as PE dependent upon the severity thus impacting on their physical and social and emotional development. â€Å"Sickle Cell Disease is an inherited blood disorder that occurs when protein call haemoglobin is defective† www.childrenshospital.org. Children suffering may need to dress up warmly and avoid extremes in temperatures. They may need to stay in at playtime and dinner thus missing out in social experience and may have to be given other activities during PE again effecting their physical and social development. As with many of the disorders the child may miss school due to illness. â€Å"Turners Syndrome (TS) is a medical disorder that affects about one in every 2500 girls.† www.kidshealth.org They are usually short in height although this can be treated with hormones, TS effects the girls sexually development and if untreated they would not go through the changes associated with puberty. This would have a detrimental effect on the child both physically and socially and emotionally as they compare their self to others. They can also suffer learning difficulties with maths and activities such as map reading and visual organisation. Another health concern is glue ear. Glue ear effects a child’s hearing and therefore if untreated can have a significant effect on a child’s speech and language development. Approx 1 in 5 children up to the age of two will suffer from some degree of glue ear www.nhs.uk and this is a significant time developmentally for speech and language acquisition. There are also many external factors that can effect a child’s development. For example a child’s financial situation will effect where they live, their diet etc. They may not be given the same opportunities for play though clubs etc and as mentioned before this support their physical, social and moral development. Diet is key to development. A poor diet has been linked to problems such as ADHD. Lack of vitamins and minerals has been linked to many disorders for example lack of iron can lead to anaemia which would leave the child tired and lethargic and even short of breath. Lack of vitamin C can lead to scurvy which was thought to be unheard of in developed countries. However it is becoming more prevalent with a diet lacking fresh fruit and vegetables. All has an impact on the child’s physical development. A big influence on many areas of a child’s development is stress. Stress will hold a child back in all areas. In today’s society a child is under many stressful situations one of the big ones being parental divorce and separation. One area that is coming to light more that effects a child development is that of a child becoming a child carer. It is estimated that in 2011, 175000 children under the age of 18 will be classed as a child carer. www.banardos.com Looking after someone at a young age will affect many areas of development including social as the child has less time to build friendships. The choices a child makes themselves can affect their development. Children are under great peer pressure to conform and this may push them into negative habits such as alcohol and drugs. The role models around the child have a significant impact both positively and negatively. There are many reasons why children’s development may not follow the expected pattern. Social influences may effect a child’s development. As mentioned earlier life experiences such as divorce and parental difficulties can cause significant stress to the child which then impacts their development. The family set up can be stressful for example if the child is a carer. Often parents are poor in areas and this can result in the child being poor. If a parent struggles to read they will struggle to support their child’s literacy skills thus impacting on their communication development. The kind of experiences given at home can impact significantly on development. Parents may not play and converse with their child in a supportive way. They may not attend clubs/ social situations outside the home. The area a child is brought up in can influence their development. The influences around them may be poor. If a child is brought up in a home surrounded by drugs and alcohol, they may chose to do this also. Life experience is critical to many areas of development in p articular cognitive. If a child is not given valuable positive experiences their development may be delayed. Physical problems can effect development as mentioned above, for example glue ear can affect speech and language, tuners syndrome can effect physical development. A child needs to have their very basic needs met for example food, warmth safety before they can begin to develop appropriately. Culture plays an important part in a child’s development. For example parents in western cultures are advised to lay children on their backs to prevent SIDS. However this can sometimes delay their crawling and rolling over. In some cultures for example among travellers gender plays an important role as an education is not seen as important for females as they are encouraged to become home makers. Children who move to new counties can suffer from a delay in development due to their language barrier; however they do tend to catch up with appropriate support. If delays are suspected early intervention is key to the child’s well being and planning for the future. Without intervention a child can become frustrated and have significantly reduced self esteem and confidence. Children have a health check at around two years to review their development. This reviews how a child is developing physical skills as well as communication and cogntive skills. Any areas for concern can be highlighted. For example a child may need speech and language support at this stage. The earlier an intervention is made the more chance that child has of reaching their full developmental potential. Early years settings are crucial at highlighting any areas for concern and putting support into place as needed. Looking at the example of Turners syndrome if support is not put in place be it emotional and medical the child may suffer severe lack of confidence in their physical appearance. A child with speech and language issues that is not supported very early will miss out on those vital early years of acquisition and may never catch up. Interventions and support take the form of many types dependent upon the type of delay and severity of the delay. References: Burnham Louise, (2008), The Teaching Assistants Handbook, Essex, Heinemann. Beith Kate (2008), Children’s care learning and Development, Essex, Heinemann. www.downs-syndrome.org.uk www.drinkaware.co.uk www.childrenshospital.org. www.kidshealth.org www.nhs.uk www.banardos.com www.wellatschool.org www.coeliac.org.uk

Friday, October 25, 2019

Viva La Revolution :: essays research papers

Viva La Revolution   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What would it take to stir up the courage to bear arms against the government? The courage remains hidden for now. But when the time is right, when the future becomes the present, and the scene is set the courage of the people will shine true. This scene must be set to trigger the emotion and release the nationalism. Some occurrences that could stir the needed courage, regardless of the consequences, would be, in my eyes, perhaps the reinstatement of the Draft’s Board or any dictatorship actions performed by the government. A revolt could take place even at a simple rise of taxes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Drafts Board remained in use through many wars. But these wars and these ways of thinking are behind the American people. And perhaps behind the thinking of the American Government also. And if it were by some sick twist of fate ever reinstated many veterans and others would be bound to take a stand. The young people of America deserve their right to chose if they want to defend their country in war. The very freedom they have been chosen to protect would be gone. Therefore they must retain their right to chose. Our country was created by the struggle of a common people for a democratic government. And who in their right mind would not fight to keep their right to choose the leader of their country. That is what a democracy is about. If the American people decided to just let the government standardize us into certain categories we would be denying the honor of those who died to give us our individuality in the first place. Our government defends those who are caught in a dictatorship political structure, then the people must defend themselves from being in need of defense like those who we currently aide. In this situation Americans would have nearly no choice but to defend themselves by revolting. As the saying goes, only two things in life are certain, death and taxes. Although taxes may seem like petty reasoning for taking up arms, it deserves more contemplation. It was a constant raise of taxes that began the revolt by Americans against the English government in the origin of our fine country.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Describe the “Sharp Differences” Dividing the Leadership of the Revolutionary Generation. Essay

In January of 1790, Hamilton submitted a financial plan to Congress in order to help the country with its debt. James Madison, leader of the southern congressmen did not like Madison’s ideas and he blocked approval of the plan. Hamilton sought help Jefferson to help him with his problem. Jefferson arranged dinner with Hamilton, Madison and himself to discuss the issue. However the three men disagreed upon many things. They had different ideas and methods on how to fix the economy, how many people should have economic power, and contributions to society. Read Also:Â  Descriptive Narrative Essay Topics Hamilton believed that for the economy to grow, economic development had to be created and managed. He wanted to collect resources located all around North America and sell them to make a profit. Moving all these resources around would require management at a national level. Both Madison and Jefferson disagreed with Hamilton’s idea. Doing this would cost money and the country would be losing money instead of making a profit. They believed that the economy should recover and grow on its own. Hamilton thought putting economic power in fewer hands was necessary for the economy to grow. Madison believed the power should be dispersed and then checked by different interest groups. Hamilton was convinced that if the power was spread out, money would just be money. If it were concentrated on a only a few people, the money would be worth more. Hamilton had more of an economic way of thinking. Madison, however, saw things in a more political way. Hamilton saw certain people to be contri butors to America. These people were those who handled money such as merchants and bankers. Hamilton would use their skill to serve the public interest. Both Madison and Jefferson disagreed with him. These people make no real contribution to American society. They considered land to be a main contributor to capital. Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton and James Madison all wanted to help their country. They were faced with a massive amount of debt and it was their main priority to fix their economy. While their goal was the same, the way they tried to approached was different. Their methods of fixing the economy was completely opposite of each other. Hamilton’s economic mind set and Madison’s and Jefferson’s political way of thinking contradicted each other. This made it difficult for them to see eye to eye in order to rectify the national debt the country faced.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Contribute to the Support of the Positive Environments Essay

An positive enviroment has requirements.The early years foundation stage requires all prodivers to keep some written records e.x a recored of all medicines administered to children and a record of complaints received from parents and their outcomes.This is to keep the child safe and let the teachers know how to impove the enviroment.Most school are vist by Ofsted once a year to check if th are meeting the legal health and safet reuirements are in place.Ofsted national standarads included : – smoke alarms and emergency equipment available that is ready to use. – Tempreture at the right degrees -all areas well lit -Plugs covered. Mu 2.8 contribute to the support of the positive environments for children and young people 3.4 Quiet time gives the child time to decrease their stress levels and give them a chance to calm down.While physical Acitivities helps the child to strenght their mucles and heart.Its importance for the child to have a balance between these two so they will get both of the physical and mental effect of them.Rest and Quiet time focuses on the well being of the mental and emotion level. The child rests give them time to think and rest their mucles while Physical acitivities focuses on the physical as in streghting and weight of the child.It helps to develop the communication skills that helps the child with their future.It teachies the child how to work as an team and the importance of exercise.Rest and Quiet time gives the child the knowledge of how to calm themselfs down and in the right sense of how to let their emotions out.It helps them to control their breathing and thoughs. Mu 2.8 contribute to the support of the positive environments for children and young people 4.1 An balanced deit contains a balance of all five food groups: grains,vegetables,fruits,dairy and meats (ormeant alternatives).Child need an balance of food and nutrient to develop and grow.Child should have their 5 a day becuase they are a good souce of their vitamins and minerals.heir Fruit and vegtable helps them to say healthy and reduce the risk of heart disease,stroke and some cancers. An balance diet helps to develop the body and strenghts the body.The health eating programmed is about creating healthy and happy children and young people to help them to focus on learning.The foods we feed our child affects their weight,cholecterol levels,blood pressure,insulin regulation,brain function,emotional health and immune system.An commitment to a healthy life style is shown to bring many years of activity and enjoyment.